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Friday, June 29, 2012

Remember to eat your veggies

Hey y'all! How is summer going? I hope you are finishing with exams (or already finished!), laying on the sun and drinking nice and cold piña coladas. I just finished a summer intership which has been a great experience... I've learned so much!

 Yesterday night my friends and I went out for dinner to "La Biotika". It had been a while since we went there last time. Who came? M, B, M, P, S, J and I. All were new visitors except J and I (we are amateurs) and they loved the home style vegetarian food.

 It was great catching up with P, I had not seen her since her birthday in early May. She is going out to a small city near Paris to study next year. M is also studying in Paris next year. I think I should go visit them so I can eat macarrons at Le Champs Ellyses ;)

 I was amazed by how crowded the restaurant was yesterday, I've never seen it so packed. The waiter was a little too busy with so many customers, so it was not as good as other times we've been there. Dessert was great.

We all ordered something different... And everthing was so good: algarroba, white chocolate cake, orange cake with chocolate, vainilla and chocolate flan, kefir and soy yogurt.

 Enjoy summer ;)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Astrophysics & Starbucks

Today we went to a talk called "¿Universe or Multiverse?" given by Professor Andrei Linde. He presented the different theories of the universe and his explanation inflaction. It was a nice talk, but where it took place... was wonderful! It was at the "Palacio del Marqués de Salamanca" which is property of BBVA.
S, J and I went there together met E and R there.

After the seminar, we went to Starbucks. I ordered a "Dulce de leche" cheesecake and a Venti Soymilk with no whipped cream Frapuccino. It was so nice to be there and chat...mmm so relaxing!

I also got to spend some time with E. Tomorrow we are all going to "La biotika", a vegetarian restaurant that I've commented on the "Vegeterianism" section of my blog. I'm so glad I can get to see my friends so much before going to Cali, specially J.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Noche de San Juan

Tonight is the shortest night of the year... and even though I should be in bed already I have so much sugar in my body that I'm wide awake. So... I decided to write this post. My two american bros came, B and M, my lovely M also came, and so did S and D. J had spent the day with me cooking that non oven lasagna and relaxing at the pool.

When we first got to the place where they make the huge bonfire, there were not so many people because of the Eurocup (we beat France today). We decided to write things in our lifes that we wanted to burn so we could make them disapear in the fire. They gave us a little bit of lavender with a small phrase filled with wisdom. Too cute! I also signed up for a photo contest and I might submit the first two pics of this entry :)

We danced around and got a big Mojito with not too much alcohol but too much sugar for what I'm used to. It was delicious though.  M and B finally got to try a Calimocho (a biiiiig one). We danced around for a while and watched a small show of drums and dancers. At midnight, they lit the fire, magical fire. They always make a big one and a small one so people can jump over it, but we didn't do it. I don't want my hair to get burnt! There were also some fireworks and torches with fire. Simply MAGICAL. I had so much fun tonight, thank you all!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Madrid's Night

My american buddies took J and I for dinner yesterday. It was Y's last night before going home so we want to a very nice restaurant near Recoletos called "La Galette 2". They are a vegetarian-friendly restaurant :)
The decoration of the restaurant is very nice, the different rooms have different furniture and styles.

M was brave and got the "try-it-all-menu". M, Y, J and I got some salads to share. One of them had cheese, avocado, tomatoes, carrots, and corn. The other one had roasted eggplant, pomegranate, almonds with a yogurt and ming dressing. My mouth is already watering again!

After the salads, M enjoyed some linguini with seafood, Y got some ??? I can't remember the name, B got some pear and ricotta ravioli, J had a Fungi-lasagna and I had a vegetable quiche.

 Dessert was also fantastic... Pannacota, dark chocolate brownie and a lemon sorbet! We talked so muuuuch at the restaurant. I still can't believe we were in there for 3 hours. Afterwards, we walked around Madrid until we reached the Hawaian Bar at Plaza de Santa Ana.

 I was amazed by how many people were out hanging out in Madrid. It is simply great. At the hawain bar, "Mauna Loa", B, Y, and M had a huuuuuge volanoe. J had a "Goddes of Fertily" and I drank some "Piña colada". It was a little loud at the bar and everyone heard M say "1,2,3...QUESO". And of course, J taught M and B all imaginable badwords in Spanish...

J and I had such a great time with you! Thank you, thank you sooo much! You are the best, for shizzle ;)

Monday, June 11, 2012

M's Birthday

Happy happy happy birthday M!!! I totally loved your party, your house, your backyard... it's so nice and green! It was a costume birthday party and  J and I went as Grease. Many of the guests didn't dress up, but we had a lot of fun dancing and getting to know some of M's friend, specially  T & J, they are such a cute couple! I can't wait to go the beach together this summer with you M :)