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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hang loose

 Isn't summer just great? To plan, go eat ice cream, go for a walk til late because it is still warm outside (and too hot during the day), see the stars at night (I need to do this one!)... This last weekend J and I went to Somo, Santander. It is surf-town. A lot of people go there to surf and the business there is huge.

We got ourselves a board to ride waves. It had been two years since the last time I had surfed so I was hoping I would remember how to do it and to be able to stand up. We both made it! It was really fun, I think were out there for like.... hours... maybe four ¿?

We did fall a couple of times... well, maybe a lot. Specially at the beginning and when we got a little tired. One need a lot of strength in their arms to stand up, I definetely need to do more push-ups.

After this weekend, I'm certain of something though... If I ever live near the beach, I will have a surfboad! :)
I hope everyone is enjoying themselves! Take care!


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