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Monday, December 5, 2011

Cross Country :)

I know... I've been away for almost a month. Exams and projects have taken all from me, even my health. Yeap, I was pretty sick this weekend... in bed all day. However, I was able to get up to see my friends run one of the best Cross Country runs of the season: A, S, and C made the best. I missed M... I wonder why she didn't show up :(

The circuit is the rufst and hardest ever known. It is the park where I usually go for Cross Country practice.
The ladies were incredible: they ran up, down, always at there best.

After the run...mmmm hungry hungry hungry. E and R also came, so cute and adorable gals! We went to a pizza place near the competition and of course... we finished the afternoon with a Dolcelatte ice cream. A and I tried a hot chocolate with an ice cream float :)

R,E, and S.
 We were all pretty bloated from the pizza, but honestly. Who can resist to an amazing ice cream?? I sure can't. I hope to have a littlo more time this week and update my blog more often.

C,A,D, me, and J.

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