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Friday, December 30, 2011

2 much 4 dinner

Yesteday my friends and I went out for dinner at the XXL restaurant. C, D and A ate a whole XXL hamburger by themselves... it is really crazy! And really big too! The rest of us didn't go for it... I can't eat so much at night!

And just in case there was some space in our stomach left, we headed of for some ice cream...but it was closed! So we went on a hunt for dessert :)

 It was sure fun, fun, fun! 
But I'm sure some of them (even if they don't want to confess it) were sure full, full, full!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Secret Garden

M and I strolled around Madrid this afternoon. We took a walk around Gran Vía, Callao and Sol. The city is litted with seasonal themes and decorated with huge Chirtmas trees. One may even find a small skating rink in Callao.

We ended up in The Secret Garden. It is one my favourite cafés... I never know what to order. All the hot chocolates and desserts are so tempting. Brown sugar is always available and sweet chocolate bear shaped cookies are given with warm tea.

I always like to go here with my friends. J took me to this place 2 years ago and it is really magical, a very cute corner of Madrid indeed. Today, I treated myself to some "leche rizada" and M got some rooibos tea (isn't just the best?).

Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Xmas!

Finally, the time of the year we all love: Christmas is here! Carols, sweets and no snow are always around. My family and I celebrated Christmas Eve and Christmas day  together. C had Christmas Carols for background music and really cool fire :)

 We had a great lunch with a complete dessert dish (5 desserts!). Yummy yummy yum yum! Cheesecake, flan, carrot cake, chocolate cake and cinammon with fruit. It was a shame I couldn't see my small cousins... next time! However, we had a great time.

Spread love this Xmas!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dinner @ IKEA

Feeling hungry after so much xmas shopping? IKEA's cafeteria and restaurant offers cheap and healthy choices. J and I  had dinner there last night. J was thrilled with the meatballs with smashed potatoes and cranberry sauce :)

Salads are a little small, but the cakes are great (all under 2 euros). One can also have refills for around 1 euros. Oh! And the cafeteria also has pancakes and cinammon rolls! :) Yum yum yum!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Nocturnal Thermal Circuit

Relax! Everyone tells me so nowadays...but it is so hard sometimes. Too much homework to do, projects to hand in, exams to prepare, and so on.  A spa is always a good idea to leave our stress behind. I've been a couple of times to the one at the local sport center,  which by the ways is great price-quality :) One of my favorite's is Medina Mayrit, but it is a little expensive. Yestarday, J took me to Auditorium Spa.

It was a little different. First of all, it began at 11.30 pm, and lasted 3 hours (if you wanted to stay so long... they don't make you of course). There were different treatments one could follow: pool with different massage-like showers, turkish sauna, dry sauna, pediluvium, contrast showers, aromatherapy showers, heated recliners and jacuzzi.

They offered tea and water so we wouldn't dehydrate. So thoughtful! Also,there were canapes, bombons and champange. Simply...relaxing :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yves Saint Laurent

Yesterday, J and I an Yves Saint Laurent exposition at Fundación Mapfre. The most glamorous and exotic designs are found there. One can find unique dresses from the beginning of his collections (with Dior) to the last one in 2002.

One may visit his around 150 works any day, but the schedules vary. You can check it out here. It is very probable that one might have to wait a little in line, but it is definetly worth it ;)

They say that "Chanel made women free, and Yves Saint Laurent made them powerful". I was very surprised with the collection shown because most of the designs are well... very modern indeed. I mean, if someone wore almost any of his creations, it would not seem as if it was out-dated at all.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Cross Country :)

I know... I've been away for almost a month. Exams and projects have taken all from me, even my health. Yeap, I was pretty sick this weekend... in bed all day. However, I was able to get up to see my friends run one of the best Cross Country runs of the season: A, S, and C made the best. I missed M... I wonder why she didn't show up :(

The circuit is the rufst and hardest ever known. It is the park where I usually go for Cross Country practice.
The ladies were incredible: they ran up, down, always at there best.

After the run...mmmm hungry hungry hungry. E and R also came, so cute and adorable gals! We went to a pizza place near the competition and of course... we finished the afternoon with a Dolcelatte ice cream. A and I tried a hot chocolate with an ice cream float :)

R,E, and S.
 We were all pretty bloated from the pizza, but honestly. Who can resist to an amazing ice cream?? I sure can't. I hope to have a littlo more time this week and update my blog more often.

C,A,D, me, and J.