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Monday, August 27, 2012

La Jolla

Today we visited La Jolla with the International Student Center from SDSU. It is a very popular place and many celebrities live or have house there (Drew Barrymore, JLo, Bill Gates...). We didn't get to spend time at the beach, but we saw the coves.

It smelled funny due to all the seaguls that were around but, we got to see some wildlife such as sealions and a squirrel. I really enjoyed watching the sealions, they called out to each other, and we even got to see a baby!

After visiting La Jolla we went to Monte Soledad, it is highest point in San Diego. From there one can see downtown, Coronado, and even Mexico. We took a couple of pictures there.

I guess the "city tour" was ok, but it was too brief at each stop. I would have liked to stop at Pacific Beach.
Oh well, I have time to learn all about this city!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Aztec for Life

Today was the New Student & Family Convocation at SDSU. We first went to the "Band Run" where all the cheerleader & band greeted us. We were organized by our College to go to "Viejas Arena" for the ceremony.

As we entered, we were given graduation hats with the "Aztec Declaration by New Students" written by Juanita Salas, President of Associated Students, 2003-2004 :

As an SDSU Aztec, I dedicate myself to personal and academic excellence.

I embrace the University's vision of promoting social justice through citezenship, social responsibility and scholarship.

I empower myself to use the issues that concern my peers, and the challenges facing our world, as opportunities to champion and practice effective citizenchip.

I hope to benefit from the broad perpectives that diversity brings to my learning and my education.

I recognize these values, inherited from both Aztec tradition and San Diego State University's successful past, as keys to our promising futures.

Today, we express our gratitude to the family and friends who have assisted us to become new members of the San Diego State University community.

Mexica Tiahui (Always moving forward).

Thursday, August 23, 2012

First days in San Diego

Hey! I haven't been writting these past few days... so much paperwork and things to do! Oh, and not very good internet access either. I just wanted to share with you some of the pictures I've taken while visiting some of the landmarks in San Diego.

On the top I leave you with some pictures of Coronado Hotel and the Spanish Village at Balboa Park. The foto underneath is also from Balboa Park.

I hope you are all having fun and enjoying your summer :)